Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Sun”
Aurora in Poland
On Thursday of May 9th, a series of five or six solar flares began on the Sun. A flare is a release of huge amounts of energy due to local changes in the magnetic field. The flare itself lasts from a few minutes to an hour and a half, depending on its intensity. In the case of more energetic flares, different phenomena often occur, such as protuberance eruptions or mass ejections.
Eclipse Expedition Report - USA'2024
I have a fantastic job. Most of the time we work remotely, but once or twice a year we meet in person. This time the venue was going to be New York. Someone threw out an idea - why don’t we move the meeting up a few days and catch the eclipse? I have a nice boss too.
The eclipse trip is a logistical nightmare. The memes about being able to check the eclipse route by checking where hotels and airbnb’s are fully booked are true.