Milky Way Center
Milky Way Center
Full resolution on flickr.
Finally had some time to process old material from trip to Chile in 2019.
This frame depicts the Sagittarius section of the Milky Way. It’s the bulge of the galaxy and its richest area as seen from Earth. It contains so many objects that it’s next to impossible to list them all. The two bright nebulae almost in the center are Lagoon (M8) and Trifid (M20). The Eagle nebula (M16) is very clearly visible near the bottom right corner, with Omega nebula (M17) is above it. There are many dark nebulae which, are also too numerous to mention all. Tried to count them, but lost count after 270. I have a version with LDN objects annotated if anyone is interested. The great bright spot on the left close to the edge is Jupiter.
Technical Imaging Details
This is a stack of 25 frames of 4 minutes each, taken by Canon 7D Mark II with a basic 50mm lens. The shooting location made all the difference, though. Image acquired at the Atacama desert in Chile, at the elevation of 2400m. Processed in PixInsight.